We participate in events to reimagine and redesign education

You have seen us at…

European Democratic Education Congress

Keynote opening session at AERO 2023

Inspirational talk and tools for social innovation 

Global Innovation Field Trip

Re-Imagining Education Conference 3.0

Third Inter-Universitary Gathering of Education Change-Makers by Ashoka

Winners of the Award: Andalusians of the Future in Social Impact 2021 and 2023

Speakers at international education congresses as AERO, Freedom to Learn Congress and Un/Learning Festival

Speakers at social impact events such as Magallanes-ElCano: “How to Support Young Change Makers”

Representing SDG #4 Quality Education at the congress Central Issues of the Agenda 2030

Part of the panel of experts at the debate “Is Disruption the New Normal for Education?”

Interviewed by communities of families like Tribu Materna

Trainings offered at universities, like Magala and Pablo de Olavide University

Interviewed by the media, ex. Cadena Ser (radio) and Canal Sur (TV)

Interviewed at this podcast about the future of education