Transformative Learning Journeys

How to move from theory to real-world education innovations


Join us in this live event (15h GMT, 9-Jun) to celebrate the innovation projects of the participants of The Learning Expedition 2024. You will learn how to contextualize education pedagogies and real stories of change in diverse learning environments, from schools to families and community learning spaces. You will receive a digital magazine with all these tools. 

What’s your time zone?

Live on June 9th at 11h New York / 16h London / 17h Brussels / 20:30 Delhi

Who are we?

Luz Olid and David Caballero coordinate and facilitate the session. We are the creators of Evolving Education, a platform to research and democratize educational practices to transform education. We come loaded with energy, passion and tools to help you create and cultivate new educational possibilities steaming out of our research with more than 150 education pioneers from 17 countries.

You know that education needs a profound transformation, that the “conventional” education system is obsolete and that it is time to take action.

You are aware of pedagogies to empower children and youth to flourish, developing their strengths and essential life skills, growing within a learning community

But wait a minute…

  • Why is it so hard to get families involved?
  • Why are there so many conflicts? And how many remain hidden?
  • How to create a horizontal space and get away from power dynamics?

The challenges to create and grow new educational projects are multiple. Not everyone survives. Once you leave the mainstream, there are many streams!

We believe in you. We believe in your potential to create new educational realities. And we are in this with you.

This free training is designed to address some of the biggest challenges of setting up learning communities (and those that are reinventing themselves).

How does it work?


More than 100 years

When you sign up you will receive by email a snapshot of our research at Summerhill, the oldest democratic school in the world. It was founded by A.S. Neil over 100 years ago in the UK. You'll learn what has made Summerhill endure over the years from Henry Redhead, co-principal of the school.


Panel of experts

Join on Sunday 19th November to learn from the experiences of 3 thought-leaders on community building. We will collect your questions and integrate them into the online session to focus on the biggest challenges. If you miss it, we'll send you the recording. It will be 1.5 hour-long.


Communicate with impact

The following week (Sunday 26th Nov), we will meet again in an interactive session to integrate and contextualize learning through collective intelligence. We will share with you a key tool to communicate your project with impact. It will take 2 hours.

Panel of Experts

Je’anna Clements

Co-founder of Riverstone Village SDE learning community, Oversight Committee member at EUDEC, author of several books on Self-Directed Education and specialist on SDE for Pathological Demand Avoidance (South Africa)

Peter Berg

Professor of Educational Leadership at Southern New Hampshire University, experienced as principal of a democratic school, mental health counselor and coordinator of Alternative Education Resource Organization (USA)

Sophie Christophy

Director of the Centre for Consent-Based Education, Co-Founder of the consent-based SDE learning communities The Cabin (5-11 y.o.) and The Lodge (10-14y.o.). Former Trustee and CEO of Phoenix Education (UK)

People that trained with us said: