E-book: Questioning Education

What do the most innovative learning communities have in common?

You can be a cornerstone in the development of independent, conscious, life-long learners.

Download this free ebook to:

Discover new educational models for the challenges of employment, mental health and purpose.

Open your mind to new educational paradigms designed for the present and the future.

Understand the origin and evolution of schools, and their impact on society.

Hello, we are Luz and David. Our ebook (and now yours) is the product of three years of research around the world, studying the most progressive learning centers. More than 150 educators, families and learners of 17 nationalities have made it possible. In our book, you will discover that quality education has nothing to do with standardized tests, but with children’s readiness to take control of their lives, and to create a world with values.

Our mission in writing this ebook was to make sure that every word and every paragraph helped you question not only outdated educational practices but the very purpose of education.

The synthesis of 150 interviews in the most progressive learning centers in the world

15 minutes of reading

Be part of the change you want to see in the world

“If education is not the solution, you are not asking the right question.”